Research demonstrates that women and men have different emotional and coping strategies due to certain gender roles/socialization. Dr. Skeens has 20+ years of experience as a licensed psychotherapist specializing in women's development and empowerment. Dr. Skeens has worked as a therapist in both community mental health and private practice settings where she has worked with thousands of women individually, in group work and in organizational settings. She has been a full time faculty member in at Lambuth University, Capital University and Ohio University where she has taught courses in human behavior, diversity, micro and macro practice, social welfare policy and social science research methods. Dr. Skeens has been a national consultant and trainer for organizations and agencies on a multitude of mental health and women's topics such as: managing anxiety, verbal and emotional abuse, healthy relationships, self-efficacy and self-esteem development. Dr. Skeens also has conducted research on the mis-use of psychotropic medication in school age children, mental health needs of women victim's of violence, cross cultural studies on alternative health care methods in South America and the tendencies of college age women to use intuitive abilities in forming healthy relationships. Dr. Skeens has also designed treatment groups for women in the following areas: Mental Health Groups for Women in Substance Abuse Recovery, Women's Stress Management Groups, Women's Empowerment Groups for College Students, Empowerment Groups for Immigrant Women and Mothers, and recovery from emotional and verbal abuse.
"After working 20 years in the mental health field as a therapist, consultant and professor I have come to realize that women have a deep sense of intuition - yet frequently ignore messages of their inner voice. Intuition is a natural gift, yet many women do not know how to recognize it and apply it to their personal and professional lives. I have heard hundreds of my female clients, colleagues and friends say if "Only I had listened to my intuition" in regard to making unhealthy choices. I have also had similar experiences in my own personal life, therefore I am motivated to support women in their journey of developing their potential through listening to their inner voice and applying their strengths. Current feminist literature also emphasizes the importance of women forming coalitions for support-and my services focus on developing these relationships. I also believe that learning to listen to ones inner self should be a skill that is developed with women during childhood. Young girls and adolescents should learn to recognize these abilities so that they form a baseline for confidence in their intellectual and social development-including relationships. I view self-esteem as a developmental process that starts with young girls learning to trust their own thoughts and actions. Due to this belief system, I also offer many training opportunities for school age girls and adolescents in educational and organizational settings."
Email: lisa@drlisaskeens.com
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